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The best place to start on your Authentified journey is to update your settings.
Metafield definition map
This map allows you to connect important product information from your own products, to our standard list of metafields. Once connected, the information will flow through to your customers' Authentified listings, ensuring high quality listings that give consumers the information they need to make informed decisions.
If there's a category you think you are missing or would like to see in our standard set, let us know via our Canny site.
Ignored products
You may want to protect your brand by excluding certain products from resale. Items such as intimate apparel, gift cards, or low-value items such as accessories maybe shouldn't make their way on to the second-hand market. If you use tags to categorise certain products, you can just add those tags to the ignore products field.
We recommend applying a tag such as noresale
or not-for-resale
to easily identify which products cannot be resold via Authentified.
Primary contact
This is just for our records in case we need to contact you!